
One day I will shoot in 72mm, then.... then they will know...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Last saturday around 6am, Hamish & i arrived at church and started setting up gear.

at around 9.30am we packed up and fled to a hot chocolatte cafe in manly.

So we finished the shoot half an hour early which was fantastic.

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I shot the whole thing with the light temperature set on inside/fluro lights.
Which tainted everything blue, exactly what I was wanting. fantastic.

We only ended up using lights for some of the latter scenes to really light up Hamish's face to make it stand out.

We had a freak occurence of sun, which almost fit in perfectly.

Also huge thanks to Anna who kept notes comparing what shots I had listed with what I actually filmed.

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around 12.30 i think we arrived back at church and began post-production.
at 5pm I had a first cut. and stopped to do sound.

at 7pm I rang michelle and told her that I was finishing up and bringing it over for the dvd.

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So basically 13 hours between start of shoot and edit

--- more later ---

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

tesh shoot #1

Got to church at 6.10am ish

too light.

however, I think i will run with it and just shoot from 6-9am or so.
We'll start by shooting the 'deviation' segment, cos i'd prefer that to be darker.

And i think i might change the look/feel in post. cos its gonna be quite hard to do it on location, although I will still get lighting for our actor.

reminder, have to chat with actor and do a rehearsal.

to do a lighting test next wednesday, or not to do a lighting test next wednesday, that is the question.

also remind anna to get red thing for path.

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also i have to work on smooth hand held dolly shots, i have no dolly. I have no crane. I just have big dreams (sic)
and no budget.

"I have no bird, I have no bush. God has taken my bird and my bush" - Jim Carrey (Bruce Almighty)

Monday, May 08, 2006


last night I watched 'Hero'
I had seen half of it, the first half.

nice twist ending.

Right near the end, the scene where the two lovers die.
Theres a bit of dialogue where 'Snow'? says 'why didn't you block me?' to 'Broken Sword'
They had an arguement, then a fight, finally BS dropped his sword allowing Snow to kill him.
I don't think she had ever intended to kill him.

I had a revelation about how sometimes in a relationship, during arguements, harsh words can be expressed by one party that can leave the other wounded deeply. Sometimes this wound causes the victim to separate from the other in the relationship, whilst the person who said the stupid word is left asking 'why didn't you just ignore what i said' 'why didn't you just look the other way, realise I was making a fool out of myself, and ignore what I had said' 'why did you have to take that particular thing to heart'... of course by this time it is often far too late.

When Snow joined her lover in death, i cried. It was quite emotional for me, and i'm not sure yet why that is...

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I have two film projects in process, both short form.
One is about a journey, the other about two people relating to each other.

in the words of Federico Fellini, every film i make is autobiographical & every film i make is non-autobiographical.
or at least he said it in more eloquent words than I.... probably in italian too...

I think both are gonna be silent films.

I have picked actors who i would like for the second film, but the first is likely to be done first, and yet I have no one to play the role.

perhaps Andrew. I will ask him tonight.